DebSDF: Delving into the Details and Bias of Neural Indoor Scene Reconstruction

(TPAMI 2024)

1ShanghaiTech University 2University of Tübingen
( * denotes the equal contribution, † denotes the corresponding author)

DebSDF: We can observe that our method can reconstruct the indoor scene with more detailed structures, such as the chair legs and bracket of the desk lamp. Our method can accurately generate the uncertainty map, which can localize the inaccurate priors and reduce the bias in SDF-based rendering with a proposed bias-aware SDF to density transformation approach so that our method can reconstruct the indoor scene significantly better than previous works.

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    title={DebSDF: Delving into the Details and Bias of Neural Indoor Scene Reconstruction},
    author={Yuting Xiao and Jingwei Xu and Zehao Yu and Shenghua Gao},
    journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)},